2016 NSF Workshop on Cooperative Learning for CS Principles
This form captures application information from those who would like to attend the NSF-sponsored workshop on Cooperative Learning for CS Principles. The workshop will be held during CSPDWeek at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO, during the week of July 18-22, 2016. Participants will arrive on Sunday, July 17th for an optional evening dinner and participate in the workshop all day Monday-Friday (participants are expected to attend ALL days of the workshop). The workshop is an official College Board APSI and all participants will have their registration covered for the workshop. There are three levels of participation in terms of stipend and travel support, as summarized in the last question below.

The workshop will provide participants with a general understanding of cooperative learning theory and research foundations that support improved engagement and diversity in mixed-ability classrooms. Participants will learn how the cooperative learning structures can be applied to specific contexts within CS Principles through example lesson plans and team discussion sessions. Each participant will receive a copy of the College Board training materials for the APSI, as well as a textbook that summarizes cooperative learning structures.

The workshop is designed for high school teachers who want to learn about how cooperative learning strategies can be infused into their CS Principles course. An expectation is that each participant will be teaching a CS Principles course some time during the 2016-2017 academic year.

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First Name *
Please enter your first name.
Last Name *
Please enter your last name.
School Name *
Please enter the name of your school.
Your Email Address *
Please provide an email address you access during the summer as well as during the year (main contact address).
City *
In what city is your school located?
State *
In what state is your school located?
Zip Code *
What is your school's zipcode?
School Type *
Please select a classification for your school.
School Setting *
Please indicate if your school is urban, rural, or suburban.
School Enrollment *
How many students are enrolled in your school (not your class, but overall school)?
Student Background *
Approximately what percentage of students at your school qualify for free or reduced lunch?
School Diversity *
Approximately what percentage of your students are members of underrepresented minority groups? Underrepresented minorities are defined as non-white and non-Asian.
For how many years have you taught computer science at the high school level?
In what year(s) have you taught a CS Principles course? *
Check all that apply:
Estimated/Anticipated Enrollment in your CSP course in 2016-2017 *
Please provide an estimate of the number of students you'll have in all sections of your CSP course(s).
URL to Sample CS Principles Syllabus
If you have a CS Principles syllabus or course web site, please provide URL.
Check each project you have used or plan on using in teaching your CS Principles course
Please list the primary projects from which you adopt/adapt.
How did you hear about this workshop? *
Why do you want to attend this CS Principles, Cooperative Learning Workshop? *
Please keep your response to 200 words or less.
Would you like to Participate in the Cooperative Learning Evaluation and Research Study *
Please indicate your intended involvement in our research study. This is not a commitment at this point, but an expression of interest in how you would like to be involved. For high level involvement, you'll need to secure the approval and involvement of your school or district administration since individual student data are involved.
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