Reproductive Freedom Day of Action Signup
We need your voices in Hartford to loudly demonstrate to our state lawmakers that we will not stand for any restrictions to reproductive health, rights and access in our state including any threats to the 60,000 patients who access health care at Planned Parenthood in CT every year.  We have the power to stop the attacks and we are ready to fight back with your help to say #WeWontGoBack! Join us for our day of action which will include a visibility event within the Legislative Office Building (300 Capitol Ave. Hartford) from 12:00-4:30 followed by a rally and speak out for reproductive freedom. We are ready to fight back, are you? Tell us when and how you can join us on January 18th!

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Afternoon visibility Legislative Office Building *
Rally & Speak Out *
4:30PM on
Share my story
If you want to share your reproductive health, rights and access story at the rally and speak out please indicate here and one of the organizers will be in touch with you. Thank you for being willing to share your story!
Tell us what reproductive freedom looks like to you
By completing this question your response may be published on social media and other public mediums. We will share this with legislators on the 18th so they hear from CT residents who support reproductive health, rights and access for all people. We will not publish your name and only indicate the town that people are from.  
Name (First & Last)
Email *
Phone number *
City/town you live in *
Affiliation *
(Organization, Community Activist, etc)
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