Writer Survey, Spring 2017
Hi! 👋 Now that Write.as blogs have been available for almost 10 months, we want to hear how everyone is liking them. Have you found Write.as useful? Have you been able to do everything you need to do? What are we helping you accomplish?

Surveys like these help us build a more conversational company where you, the user, have more of a say in the decisions we make. This lets us know how we're doing, and will help guide the features and products we build in the future.

Thanks for writing with us, and thanks in advance for your feedback!

- Matt
Founder, Write.as
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Overall, how useful has Write.as been for you? *
Not useful
Very useful
Please elaborate, if you want.
If you haven't found it as useful as you'd like, this would be a good place to suggest how we might improve.
How do you generally use Write.as? *
Choose any and all that apply. You can go into more detail below.
What specific things do you use Write.as for?
For example: making grocery lists, taking notes to share with your English class, or keeping a dream journal. When you're as specific as possible, we get a better idea of which specific features would be useful in the future.
Any other feedback for us?
Have any general thoughts you want to share? Words of praise? 😊 Here's a good place for that.
Email address? (If you'd like a response from us.)
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