Ocean Somatics - Free Discovery Call Form
Thanks for reaching out. Sex and relationships are often a minefield of taboo and shame and failure for folks, yet beyond the minefield is a garden full of life that can be cultivated and expanded. I work with individuals and couples to rewire their bodies for better sex and relationships.

Before I offer a free discovery call together, I would love to learn a bit about you and where you are at. Please answer the following questions. I will email you with next steps soon after receiving it. 

Sexuality and embodiment is a sensitive area for people, so please only share what you feel comfortable sharing at this moment. But also know that all of you is welcome here.

After I receive your form, I'll reach out and set up a time for a discovery call with you.

Jason Goode
Ocean Somatics

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Email Address?
Full Name and what you like to be called?
Preferred Pronouns?
How did you find me?
Where are you located?
What is your reason for wanting to work with me?
How do you want your sexual energy to connect deeper with the world around you? *
Where do you want to be in your embodied or sexual wholeness journey a year from now?
Do you have experiencing working with a Somatic Sex Educator, Sexological Bodyworker or a somatic practitioner of some kind? If yes, please describe.
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
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