Contribute to the Demands
Contribute ideas for actions to to combat racism and other forms of oppression at Yale and in New Haven. Please note the 2020 demands are finalized, but the process of responding to systemic oppression will be ongoing. There will be many opportunities to participate.

Read the full demands:
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What should we demand of the Yale School of Medicine and Yale University?
The overall purpose of the demands is to address systemic racism and other forms of oppression at our institution and beyond.
If you would like to be involved in future sessions or be notified about updates, please fill out the information below. This information will only be used to contact you about the demands and will not be shared with Yale UNLESS you specifically consent below. Filling out this form does not bind you to agree to the demands or sign them in their final form.
Relationship to Yale
Be as specific as you like, for instance, "Medical student (Second year)," "Professor," "Staff (M&P)," "Graduate student (genetics)," "New Haven community member"
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(Optional) If you would like to be specifically involved, indicate how here:
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