To Love, Honor & Cherish for DV Prevention
  Please complete and submit this Worksheet in order to successfully meet the requirements of this Topic.  
  Please be advised that your responses here will be confidential.  However, in order to assist in that effort, please follow the instructions below closely.  
  Also, be sure to click on the "SUBMIT" Button at the bottom of this Worksheet after you have completed all items, and before you exit this page so that your Response will be counted.
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  Please respond to the following items Truthfully and Thoughtfully.

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Email *
Please type in the first 3 letters of your first name.  (Escriba las primeras 3 letras de su nombre.) *
Please type in the first 3 letters of your last name.  (Escriba las primeras 3 letras de su apellido.) *
What year were you born?  (¿En qué año naciste?) *
Date (Feche): *
Time (Tiempo): *
Where do you usually attend Sessions?  (¿Dónde sueles asistir a las sesiones?) *
Which type of Session did you do that relates directly to this Worksheet? *
In what ways were you Loving your Partner around the of your DV Offense?
In what ways were you Honoring your Partner around the of your DV Offense?
In what ways were you Cherishing your Partner around the of your DV Offense? *
Rate the following in terms of Truthfulness: *
Never True
Sometimes True
Always True
BOTH my partner and I Love each other.
BOTH my partner and I Honor each other.
BOTH my partner and I Cherish each other.
What would your Partner say about you around the time of your DV Offense? *
That I Loved Her / Him
That I Honored Her / Him
That I Cherished Her / Him
What would you say about how your Partner was Loving, Honoring and Cherishing you around the time of your DV Offense? *
That She / He Loves Me
That She / He Honors Me
That She / He Cherishes Me
What would your current Partner say about you at this time? *
That He / She Loves Me
That He / She Honors Me
That He / She Cherishes Me
N/A, I don't have a partner right now.
What would you say about how your current Partner Loves, Honors and Cherishes you at this time? *
That She / He Loves Me
That She / He Honors Me
That She / He Cherishes Me
N/A, I don't have a partner right now.
How Helpful is Learning about the concepts of To Love, Honor and Chrish going to be for you in your efforts to prevent DV in your life? *
Not Very Helpful at All
Very Helpful
How Negatively or Positively has this DV Treatment impacted your Life? *
Very Negatively
Very Positively
Please describe how helpful this exercise was for you? *
Levels of DV Treatment & Second Clinical Contacts (Updated 1/28/2019) 5.06 Levels of Treatment.  There are three levels of treatment that include Level A (low intensity), LevelB (moderate intensity), and Level C (high intensity). Offenders are placed in a level of treatment based on the findings from the intake evaluation, offender treatment needs, and level of risk as identified by the DVRNA. Research demonstrates that matching offender risk to intensity of treatment reduces recidivism (Andrews & Bonta, 1994). Intensity of treatment is differentiated by frequency of clinical contact and content of treatment.1II. Initial Determination of Treatment Level is recommended by the Approved Provider after the Offender Intake Evaluation has been completed and approved by the MTT. While some offenders may remain in the same level throughout treatment, there is also the ability to move offenders to a different level of treatment as needed. This is based on new information such as change in risk factors, mitigation of risk, continuing abuse, or denial.  A. Only offenders in Level C may be considered for a decrease in treatment level and then only to Level B.B. No offenders in Level B or C are eligible for a decrease in treatment to Level A.C. Decreasing an offender’s level of intensity of treatment shall only occur at scheduled Treatment Plan Review intervals and shall be approved by consensus of the MTT. This change in treatment level shall include written justification placed in the offender’s file describing the need for change in treatment.  D. Increasing an offender’s level of treatment to a higher intensity of treatment may occur at any time and shall be approved by consensus of the MTT. This change in treatment level shall include written justification placed in the offender’s file describing the need for change in treatment.  III. If any Information is Missing from the Offender Intake Evaluation and the DVRNA, an offender shall not be placed in Level A. A Temporary Placement to treatment Level B may be indicated. Because the missing information may be related to risk factors, there is a need for safety considerations, resulting in a minimum Temporary Placement to Level B. Even though there is information missing, there may be sufficient information obtained from the DVRNA to justify the offender’s placement in Level C. *
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