Ping Feedback Survey
Ping is a new chat app that lets you talk to people who don't know your language. (

Using Machine Learning, it makes sure that no matter what language the other person writes in, you get their messages in your language.

Please help us understand what kind of app you would like Ping to be so we can make it better! :)
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Do you feel hesitant when speaking to a person whose native tongue is different from yours? *
How often do you talk to someone whose native tongue is different from yours? *
Which common language do you use to converse in such circumstances? *
In a normal chat, how many languages do you use, on an average?
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How often do you use language translation services (Google Translate, for example)?
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Have you ever translated a sentence first and then messaged the translated sentence to someone ? *
When using translation services, would you be satisfied if the translated sentence was only partially correct but preserved the overall meaning? *
Would you like a platform where you can write in your own language, without having to worry about what language the other person uses? *
Would you be willing to try a text based customer support service? *
How about a single interface for multiple brands' customer support? *
When receiving links (for example, news articles), would you like a short summary of what they contain to avoid the trouble of having to click and open them? *
How would you feel if you received possible captions when someone sends you photos or videos? *
Anything else you'd like to have in such a chat platform?
Please enter your email if you'd like to be notified when Ping is ready.
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