MVIF Feedback Questionnaire - Season 3
Please let us know your opinion of the third season of MVIF
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Which part of the world are you connecting from?

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What career stage are you in?

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Which event are you usually connecting to?

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Which event(s) did you attend? (You can select multiple answers.)

What do you think about the length of each event (about 3 hours)?

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What about the start/end time of the event in your timezone? (please include the city or time zone. If it does not work for you, please also indicate your preferable time.)

What information would you have liked to receive before/during/after the event but did not?

What was your favourite session?

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What was your LEAST favourite session? (please share the reason and suggestions to improve it in the next question)
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Do you have any suggestions to improve MVIF?

Did you e-meet someone at MVIF with whom you have created connections? Did any of your research ideas stem from participating at MVIF?
Do you have any positive online Networking experiences or ideas to share for us to implement at MVIF? (speed dating, meet your mentor, meet the editor, etc)

What topics would you like to see more of at our next events?

Why are you attending MVIF?

How did you hear about MVIF? (You can select multiple answers.)

Would you like to help us further by answering a few questions (3 minutes) about themed events, our future podcast, and how to improve? We will use your feedback to provide a better MVIF experience for everyone
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