Interested in Becoming a Group Leader?
Take a few moments to complete this form and our Groups Director will contact you.
Email *
First, Middle, Last Name *
Street Address, City, Zip Code *
Cell Phone *
OK to text? *
Marital Status *
Birthday *
Please list the name(s) & relationship(s) of others living in your household including spouse, children, parents, siblings, fiance, etc...If you live alone, type "alone" *
Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior? *
If no, would you be willing to discuss this with someone from Church at the Creek?
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If you checked "Maybe" above, please state your questions here. I will be in contact with you.
How long have you been attending LifePoint? *
If you are new, were you actively involved in a local church before coming to Church at the Creek? *
Please describe your relationship with God currently *
What would you say if someone asked you, "How can I have a relationship with Jesus?" *
Have you ever led a small group before? If yes, please describe that experience. *
Are you currently a member of a small group? If yes, please let us know what motivates you to begin another group. *
What days and times are good to set up a meeting with you to discuss leadership opportunities with our groups? *
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