Alamo City Self Defense
Firearms Rental Request
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What class date are you registered for? *
Full Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Do you need a "firearm rental?" $25 rental fee (ammo not included) *
I UNDERSTAND that Ammunition is my responsibility and not a part of the rental fee. *
Do you know what caliber firearm you  would like to rent? (.22LR, .380, 9mm, .40 S&W, .45ACP, etc? *
What caliber firearm would you like to rent?  **If you don't know...leave blank**
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What is your experience level with shooting firearms? *
What are your goals? In other words, how do you intend to use this class? *
Submission ID (just type N/A in this field below) *
⚠️  DO NOT EDIT this field or your time will not be recorded.
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