Invest Our Public Funds in Our Communities, NOT in Repression, War, or Genocide!
By Bay Area Divest!

We are a diverse group of Bay Area residents who believe public funds should be invested in our own communities' well-being by caring for our people and our planet. We are outraged that our governments are investing our tax dollars in Israel’s ongoing genocide and decades-long military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

Public funds should NOT be invested in companies that harm our communities by participating in, enabling, or profiting from:
- war and/or military occupation;
- genocide and/or apartheid;
- exploitation of labor and/or systemic poverty;
- mass incarceration and/or prison labor;
- border and/or police militarization;
- mass surveillance;
- climate destruction and/or environmental degradation.

Our goal with this petition is to demonstrate to our elected representatives at all levels of government that Bay Area residents support immediate divestment from such entities, and demand reinvestment in our communities’ well-being.

The responses from this form are sent to an encrypted document and will never be shared publicly without your explicit consent.

The following organizations have endorsed this campaign: Al-Awda, Palestinian Youth Movement Bay Area, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area, Alameda Families & Friends for Ceasefire, American Friends Service Committee, Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN), Bay Area Labor for Palestine, Bay Resistance, Berkeley Network for Palestine/Yalla Berkeley!, Christians for a Free Palestine, CodePink Bay Area, Critical Resistance Oakland, East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, Flying Over Walls, Hayward Community Coalition, Healthcare Workers for Palestine Bay Area, Homies Empowerment, Information Ecology, La Peña Cultural Center, Labor for Palestine, Lavender Phoenix, Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism, San Leandro 4 Ceasefire, San Francisco Democratic Socialists of America, SEIU CIR, Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) Bay Area, Sonoma County for Palestine, The Chavurah for a Free Palestine of Kehilla Community Synagogue, UAW Labor for Palestine, UAW Local 2320, Union Nurses for Palestine, Vital Arts, Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, 1021 Members for Palestine
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Public funds should not be invested in any institution or corporation directly involved in supporting and/or enabling Israeli apartheid, occupation, or genocide. *
First name:
(this will not be shared on the petition without your explicit consent) 
Last name or initial: (this will not be shared on the petition without your explicit consent)
Can we display your name on a petition to elected officials as someone who agrees with the principle stated above? (We will only display names after at there are at least 500 signatories.) *
Email address for Bay Area Divest to be able to stay in touch and send you updates regarding this petition: *
City in which you reside:
Zip code:
Optional - Phone number (so that we can contact you with important campaign updates and about campaign events)
If you are part of a faith community, to which faith group do you belong?
If you're a union member, with which labor union are you affiliated? (ex: SEIU 1021, SEIU CIR, IFPTE 21, ATU 1575, OEA, UAW 4811, etc.)
Are there any other organizations or affiliations you would like to list beside your name on the petition?
Are you interested in getting involved with divestment work?  
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