Astronautics & Orbit related Data: Desiderata & Issues (1)
ABOUT: Survey about space situational awareness (ssa), orbital debris, and spaceflight data. It aims to identify limitations, problems/challenges people (e.g. spacecraft operators) have with that data. It also seeks their views on potential solutions. One question is whether search, retrieval, querying, and comprehension of that data is of interest, and whether it is in need of improvement. Another question is whether knowledge-based techniques can improve the use of ssa data and whether they can resolve any challenges; and if so, what are use-cases for those techniques.

TARGET AUDIENCE: There are two groups in the audience. One is spacecraft operators, users of SSA data-sharing agreements, users of ssa/orbit data (e.g., TLEs, state vectors), spaceflight professionals. The other is persons/groups interested in model-based systems engineering, knowledge-based and semantic/ontology techniques. Thank you.

The related project is described at the following link[1], and related publications[2]:
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What kind of organization or sector are you in?
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What is your specialty? What are your work tasks? *
How would you describe or define 'ssa data'? what kinds of ssa data are there?
What kind of SSA, orbital and spaceflight data are you most interested in?  What is the data about? Please provide examples, and anything you wish to share, including websites links. *
To what extent to you use or interact with metadata (data about data) about SSA or orbital data? (e.g., do you generate your own metadata? do you have a list?, etc.) *
What do you believe are essential metadata elements for SSA, orbital and spaceflight data? (Please provide a list or link if you have) *
What datasets, databases and data sources do you use?  Please provide websites if available. *
If you are interested in data about orbital debris, what specific kinds of data are you interested in?
To what degree are you able to search and retrieve desired data or information from your data/databases? *
What are specific examples of database queries you currently make to search and retrieve information from your data/databases? And what technologies (including database query languages) do you use for that? *
What kind of data or information is presently difficult or impossible to retrieve by querying your data or data sources? *
Is there any data or information about orbital debris, spacecraft, or the orbital environment, contained in your data but which is difficult to retrieve? If so, please give examples. *
Why is it difficult to search and/or retrieve that desired data/information from your data/database? *
What data queries would you like answers to, which you cannot currently answer/ask? (What questions do you want to ask of your datasets/databases?) Please give examples. *
What are examples of generic knowledge and specific knowledge you would like to discover or extract from your data? (example: the orbit classification of a particular orbital debris fragment, the mass of a spacecraft, a generic relationship, etc.) *
What kinds of results (answers) do you want to see from those or other queries? *
What do you believe will help you improve capability to search, retrieve, and generate desired data and information? (what techniques, technologies, tools, etc.) *
What are some problems, and areas for improvement (in ssa and orbital data handling), you would like to address? (e.g., in search, retrieval, organization/structuring, annotation of data or databases, etc.) *
To what degree are you familiar with knowledge representation & reasoning (in AI) / knowledge modeling / ontologies / linked data / semantic technologies / semantic web applications / taxonomies / controlled vocabularies / conceptual models / etc. ? *
Do you use any of the previously-mentioned knowlege-based / semantic / ontological techniques? *
If you use any of the previously-mentioned knowledge-based / ontology / semantic tools/techniques, what do you use, specifically? (Please indicate names and other information.) *
Have the tools you used been useful? (Please explain. Please provide websites to quantitative evidence, if any, for the utility or lack thereof.) *
If you have not used knowledge-based / ontology / semantic approaches, do you believe they can help with your problems, goals or desiderata? Please describe. If so, please also describe what you would like these knowledge-based approaches to do. *
To what degree are you familiar with model-based systems engineering (mbse)? if you use this approach, what tools and languages do you use? And how are they useful to you? *
If you wish to provide your email address, please provide here (optional)
If you are willing to contribute, or establish formal collaborations in the development of the authors knowledge model for astronautics and the orbital space domain, please contact the author at rrovetto[at]terpalum[dot]umd[dot]edu or provide your contact information. The project is described at . Similarly, if you would like to share your data or other details privately, please also make contact. Thank you for your time.
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