Nominate a Business
Do you know a business in your community that's a great place to work? A business leader invested in socially responsible practices? Do you work for a standout company that should be recognized for its dedication to its employees?

Good Business Works, a collaboration of Baltimore-area businesses, workforce professionals, and community organizations is committed to building a Baltimore with strong communities, equitable access to family-sustaining careers, and a thriving local economy.

We are looking to recognize exemplary businesses taking leadership in improving job access, equitable and inclusive workplaces and quality career pathways in the restaurant, retail, and home improvement industries. Know a business that shares this vision? We want to connect with them!

Nominate a business by completing the form below or contact

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Your Name & Contact
Business Name
What makes this business stand out? Why do you think they should be recognized in Good Business Works
[If known] Business Contact: Name & Role
[If known] Best way to contact
Any other feedback you'd like to share on Good Business Works?
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