AWANA Registration Form 2020-21
Welcome to Awana 2020-2021 at United Christian Church!
Awana kicks off virtually 9/9/2020. We will continually evaluate on if/when it’s safe to start in-person meetings.
More info coming soon about fees for registration, supplies, vests, bags, etc.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parents Name *
Address *
Contact Number *
Email address *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Email address *
1st Child’s Name *
Child Age
Child Birthday
Grade your child’s going into
Name of school / or home school
Name of school district
Child’s phone number (if different than parents)
Child’s email address (if different than parents)
Did your child attend Awana at UCC before?
Clear selection
If yes, What class were they in?
If no, Has your child ever attended Awana (outside of UCC)?
2nd Child Name
Child’s Age
Child's Birthday
Grade your child’s going into
Name of school / or home school
Name of school district
Child’s phone number (if different than parents)
Child’s email address (if different than parents)
Did your child attend Awana at UCC before?
Clear selection
If yes, What class were they in?
If no, Has your child ever attended Awana (outside of UCC)?
3rd Child’s Name
Child’s Age
Child's Birthday
Grade your child’s going into
Name of school / or home school
Name of school district
Child’s phone number (if different than parents)
Child’s email address (if different than parents)
Did your child attend Awana at UCC before?
Clear selection
If yes, What class were they in?
If no, Has your child ever attended Awana (outside of UCC)?
4th Child’s Name
Child’s Age
Child's Birthday
Grade your child’s going into
Name of school / or home school
Name of school district
Child’s phone number (if different than parents)
Child’s email address (if different than parents)
Did your child attend Awana at UCC before?
Clear selection
If yes, What class were they in?
If no, Has your child ever attended Awana (outside of UCC)?
Clear form
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