Request a Yard Sign
Communities for Food & Family Farms has the coolest signs to support local food and family farms. Politics has never been so fun and unifying. Our goal is to lead with JOY!! 

Help us spread smiles and support for local food and family farms, all around Sonoma County.

Please let us know if you would like a sign, and which sign you'd like. If you'd like to contribute, to help promote this cause long after November, you're welcome to donate to our general fund at: 

We are a nonprofit, built and funded by us community members, and doing our best to rekindle the communication and connection with our food. Our goal is to unite the community with their local food and family farms. Please help us get the word out!
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Your name or Business name
Would you like to pick up a sign at a local drop spot or have it delivered?
If you'd like a sign delivered, please include your address. If you'd like to pick it up at a drop spot, please include at least your zip code and we'll let you know where the nearest drop spot is.
Which Sign would you like?
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Size of sign
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Would you like to know about volunteer opportunities with Communities for Food & Family Farms? (such as for events, farmers markets, or getting signs out) If so, which are you interested in?
Do you want email updates about upcoming meetings and events? (we don't share emails or spam anyone)
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Any notes you'd like to add?
Please scroll down to click "Submit" to submit this form. 

Donations to our cause are absolutely appreciated so that we can continue building the bridge between community and their local food & family farms. Thank you so much for taking the time to help this important cause!
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