Figure Skating in Harlem Alumni Records
FSH continually updates our alumni records and we are eager to learn about what our alumni are up to. Please answer the questions below so we can have your most up to date information.
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First and Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Year you graduated from or left FSH *
Contact Information
Please share your contact information so we can update it in our database and include you on future alumni outreach communications.
What is the best phone number to reach you at? *
Email address (If different from the one above or you want to provide an additional one)
City you currently live in *
State you currently live in *
Instagram Name
FSH has an IG alumni page. Follow us @fshalumni or we can follow you, if you provide your name.
LinkedIn Profile Link
Join the Figure Skating in Harlem Alumni Network group on LinkedIn
Help us reach more FSH alumni!
Please share the contact information of any other FSH alumni you have or are in contact with. We want to reach as many alumni as possible!
Are you in contact with other FSH alumnae? *
If you answered yes, please share the names AND contact info you have for any FSH alumni? (Please see format below)
Format: First and Last Name, phone, email, Instagram
Let us know what you've been up to!
Did you graduate from college/ vocational school or currently attend either?   *
If you answered yes to the previous question, which school did you attend/ do you currently attend?
What degree did you earn/ are you working towards?
When did you graduate/ will you graduate from your degree program?
What is your occupation?/ What career path are you on? *
If you are currently employed, who is your employer?
Please share any accomplishments or exciting news in your life *
Ex: recently bought a new house or a dog? graduated? started a new job? had a baby? started your own business? received an award/ recognition?
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