Decompress and De-Stress : A #JewishBostonTeens Gathering Around Mental Health and Wellness
Join the JTI Peer Wellness Fellows and BaMidbar as we gather as a community of #JewishBostonTeens to talk about mental health! Spend the afternoon connecting with other Jewish teens and learning how you can help break the stigmas surrounding mental health and wellness.

Sunday, May 5, 2024
2:00-5:30 PM
Hosted by Gann Academy, Waltham
All Jewish teens in grades 8-12 are encouraged to join.

By completing and submitting this form, you are aware that the Jewish Teen Initiative at CJP, BaMidbar and their partners may follow-up with additional information and related opportunities. Questions? Contact Adam Karp at 

Learn more about the JTI Peer Wellness Fellows >>

Learn more about BaMidbar >> 

This program is part of a series of opportunities for Jewish teens to connect around current events and topics, powered by Jewish Teen Initiative at CJP. Learn more and get connected >>
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First Name *
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Grade/Role *
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Participant Cell Phone *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent Guardian Cell *
(Just in case they need to be reached during the event)
Workshop Choice 1 

Please select your first choice for the peer-led workshop options. We will do our best to make it happen!

Build Your Own Brain: After a busy week at school, does your mind feel like Play-Doh? In our session we'll be using actual Play-Doh to explain how the brain really works. We'll teach you to harness its true power and have it work for you!

School, Pressure, Strategies: Between our full academic schedules, extracurriculars and the ever present college pressures, teens are just plain burned out. Come to this session to share experiences, gain strategies and learn how you can make life more manageable for yourself. 

Stress Relief and Self Care: How much time do you take for yourself for self-care? What do you make of your self-care strategies? Come, leave your stress at the door and sample a few different avenues for self-care that you can implement in your lives. 
Workshop Choice 2

Please select your second choice for the peer-led workshop options. We will do our best to make it happen!

Build Your Own Brain: After a busy week at school, does your mind feel like Play-Doh? In our session we'll be using actual Play-Doh to explain how the brain really works. We'll teach you to harness its true power and have it work for you!

School, Pressure, Strategies: Between our full academic schedules, extracurriculars and the ever present college pressures, teens are just plain burned out. Come to this session to share experiences, gain strategies and learn how you can make life more manageable for yourself. 

Stress Relief and Self Care: How much time do you take for yourself for self-care? What do you make of your self-care strategies? Come, leave your stress at the door and sample a few different avenues for self-care that you can implement in your lives. 
Workshop Choice 3

Please select your third choice for the peer-led workshop options. We will do our best to make it happen!

Build Your Own Brain: After a busy week at school, does your mind feel like Play-Doh? In our session we'll be using actual Play-Doh to explain how the brain really works. We'll teach you to harness its true power and have it work for you!

School, Pressure, Strategies: Between our full academic schedules, extracurriculars and the ever present college pressures, teens are just plain burned out. Come to this session to share experiences, gain strategies and learn how you can make life more manageable for yourself. 

Stress Relief and Self Care: How much time do you take for yourself for self-care? What do you make of your self-care strategies? Come, leave your stress at the door and sample a few different avenues for self-care that you can implement in your lives. 
How did you hear about this event?  *
Media Release
I understand and provide consent that photos and video will be taken during this experience in which the teen listed on this form may appear, and that they may be shared on partner organizations' websites, social media channels, or in marketing materials.
Is there anything you'd like to share to help us make this an amazing experience for you?
Do you have any allergies (food/animals/other) we should be aware of? A favorite song you'd like included on the playlist? Anything else?
Would you like to be notified about other upcoming opportunities?
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