EcoOptimist application - Sailing Clubs and Schools
Would you like to be one of the first sailing clubs in the world to own the first recyclable Optimist?

Use this form to enter our competition to give sailing clubs around the world the chance to own one of the first ten ecoOptimists ever produced. 

Winning sailing clubs will provide a 500 EUR deposit ahead of build. The total cost of the ecoOptimist is comparable with other composite Optimists at EUR 4000. 


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Which country are you based in? *
Name of your sailing club or school *
Address of club or school *
Contact email *
Contact telephone number *
Club instagram page *
Club Facebook page *
How many Optimist boats does your club / school currently own? *
How many sailors under the age of 15 do you have in your club / school? *
What initiatives does your sailing club / school currently run on the environment and/or ocean conservation? *
Why is your club applying for an EcoOptimist ? 
Tell us why your club should get an EcoOptimist *
What do you think is the most important message we should be giving young sailors today? *
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