UE BSU 3v3 Tournament 
Join the UE Black Student Union for a 3v3 Tournament on September 22 at 12 om! The tournament will be held at the University of Evansville Carson Center. After you sign up, we will send you more details about the event. If you do not have a team of 3 or want to sign up as an individual, we will place you with a team. Teams can be co-ed! Please note that each team will be required to pay $15 or $5 if you are free agent cash, Venmo, or Cash App before the event date. If you have any questions, please contact Trinitie Terrell (tt141@evansville.edu).
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Name: *
School Email: *
Are you affiliated with UE or USI? *
Are you interested in volunteering or playing? *
How many people do you have on your team? (Including you) *
What is your teammate's name and email? (Write N/A if it is just you) *
What is your team name? (Write N/A if it is just you) *
Do you understand that if your team has fewer than 3 players, you can have a free agent assigned to your team? *
Do you understand that participating in this tournament costs $ 15 per team and will need a form of an ID? *
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