Mexican-American War 1846-1848
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The Nation just before the Annexation of Texas & the Mexican-American War
According to the map, could you legally own slaves in Missouri?
How many free and slave states existed in 1837?
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watch this short video to answer the following questions.
American Progress-John Gast 1872
Who is the figure in the middle of the picture?
Who is fleeing the left side of the painting?
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What direction are they moving symbolically?
What is woman in the painting doing?
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The darkness symbolizes all of the following but...
James K. Polk's nickname was...
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Polk was....
After Texas Annexation the dispute between Mexico and the US was over...
Why did Lincoln want to know where the exact spot was that the war was supposed to have started?
use the map to answer the following questions
What color reflects territory claimed by both sides?
What is the name of the northernmost river on this map?
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Zachery Taylor
Zachery Taylor held what position during the Mexican-American War
Following the war Zachery Taylor became...
What treaty ended the Mexican-American War?
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The Mexican Cession
What did the Mexican Cession do for American territorial growth?
The Mexican Cession...
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A major outcome of the Mexican-American war was that many generals gained experience they would use in the Civil War.
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The Wilmot Proviso...
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The Golden Circle (proposed country)
The Golden Circle was the idea of an empire based on cotton and sugar production.  Who would this empire have benefited?
What was the "dream" of some Southerners?
The Compromise of 1850 will...
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