Discovery Call for Weight Loss Coaching
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Email *
Name: *
Age: *
Gender: *
Are you looking to lose at least 10 lbs and maintain the results while enjoying your new healthy lifestyle? I only work with people who desire to achieve lasting weight loss and are open to trying a method they have never done before. *
What have you tried before (worked/didn't work)? *
What do you need my help with? *
How soon are you looking to get help?  *
Are you willing to invest in coaching if you feel it's what you need? (credit card, PayPal credit, payment plan) *
On a scale of 1-10, how badly do you need this to change? (1 = not at all,  10 = I NEED this to change right now) *
Why did you select the number above?  *
What is the best phone number to reach you if you're selected for a call? *
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