Change Request/New Meeting Snohomish County
Use this form to request a new meeting publication or changes to meeting information in Snohomish County and Camano Isl.
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For meetings with multiple meeting *times, you must submit this form separately for each meeting time.
*For example:
-Submit this form twice: If a group meets every weekday at 8:00 AM and on Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 AM
- Submit this form once: If group meets multiple days at the same time and place. Follow prompts below.
Type of Change *
What do you need changed, updated, added, or deleted? *
Please type a short description here of your change request. Then fill out all information below.
Meeting Name *
Meeting Type? *
Open or Closed? *
Start Time  *
End Time *
Meeting Location Name *
 (Type "Online" if meeting is online only)
Street Address (Double check!) *
 (Type "Online" if meeting is online only)
City    *
(Must provide city if online only)
Zip Code *
(Must provide zip if online only)
Day(s) of the week? *
Meeting Type Specifics *
Type Zoom link, and password (If Online Only or Hybrid)
Meeting Notes
Indicate any additional information about the meeting that you would like to appear. Example:  St. Philip's Episcopal Church; Downstairs-Back Entrance; Birthday Meeting Last Thurs
Meeting Contact
Please provide your name, service position email, and phone to contact you in case our Administrator has any follow up questions about your change request.
Name *
(First Name, Last Initial)
Service Position *
Email *
Phone *
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