Skyline Foundation Scholarship Applicant Reference Forms 2025
This applicants applying for a scholarship to attend Camp Skyline this summer. Camp Skyline is an all-girls, residential, non-denominational Christian camp located in Mentone, AL. Please complete this form to the best of your ability for the consideration of our Board of Directors.

This information must be submitted by Friday, February 7, 2025. Reponses will be turned off at 11:59pm CST

Please contact with any questions you may have. 
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Email *
Name of Applicant *
Name of person making the referral  *
Official Job Title  *
Primary Phone Number *
Email  *
How long have you known this child? In what capacity do you know this child?
What characteristic make this child a good candidate for Camp Skyline? Please be specific.
Describe areas of weakness for this child. Please be specific.
Describe her academic performance.
Describe this child's interaction with her peer group.
Describe this child's interaction with those in position of authority.
Is there anything else you believe we should know about the applicant that would benefit her at camp?
Referral Signature Approval  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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