Racial Identity Development PD
Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum wrote in her introduction to her famous book Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other conversations about Race, that “educators all across the country, most of whom are White, are teaching in racially mixed classrooms, daily observing identity development in process, and are without an important interpretive framework to help them understand what is happening in their interactions with students, or even in their cross-racial interactions with colleagues.” Join us for some key readings from this ground-breaking book, for further in-depth discussion, and to develop new skills to put in practice. The first 10 people to sign up will get a free copy of the book!
Two mandatory sessions and one optional session will take place- The first two on Thursday, 3/21 and Thursday, 4/4 from 6:30 to 8pm. The third session is scheduled on Thursday, 4/18, 8-8:45am. Location TBD.

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Teaching Faculty? *
What is your main job at LC? Please be specific (i.e. I teach 9th grade English; I teach the following courses in HPRESS: .....) *
What other responsibilities do you have on campus? Again, be specific. *
Have you ever read Dr. Tatum's book Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? *
What are 2-3 intentions you want to bring to these sessions? *
What are 2-3 outcomes you hope to gain from these sessions? *
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