Join Launch Waitlist
Explore FAQ for Details:

The only way to gain access to our software after we finish beta is to join our waitlist. 

We are currently emailing people with a notice of their position on the waitlist on the 1st and 15th of every month. 

In order to gain access to our AI all you need to do is join here and wait for our email. 

We allow 100 people per month to use each tier (3 tiers), when someone lands a job or cancels their membership a new spot opens. 

Please select the waitlist(s) you would like to join. 

If you joined out beta list you DO NOT have to join here. Beta testers will get access first, if you missed your beta offer than you should join here to re-enter the line.
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Which waitlist(s) would you like to join? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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