Internship Application for KAIST & IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group
KAIST Biomedical Mathematics lab - IBS Biomedical Mathematics group (Chief investigator: Jae Kyoung Kim) provides research internship for undergraduate students. During the internship, you will have opportunities to solve biomedical problems with mathematical theory, teamed up with postdoctoral researchers and graduate students in the lab. While working with us, you will have lots of opportunities, both professionally and socially. In addition, you can utilize computational resources in our group and are supported according to their participation. The initial internship period is two months and can be extendable depending on the project plan and their performance/schedule.

- The collected information is only used to recruit interns.
- We will receive applications until the positions are filled.
- Successful candidates are encouraged to work off-line during their internships. Our lab is located in IBS headquarter, which is 3km away from KAIST. (55 Expo-ro, Daejeon).
- Fully-online opportunity is limited for this call.
- You can write your answer in Korean

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Gender (For dormitory reservation)
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Downloadable link to your resume or curriculum vitae (e.g., Using Google Drive:
Downloadable link to your transcript (Only for undergrad)
How would you describe yourself in a paragraph?
Tell us about your projects or research that you worked on before (max 200 words). If you don't have one, you can just state that "No experience"
What is your availability for work? (e.g., I will be available 10hrs/week during semester and 40hrs/week during vacation).
For grad students: Do you want to participate in IBS research project? You can find potential projects at
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For undergrad students: Which topics are interesting?
When do you want to begin your internship?
When do you want to end your internship?
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