Teens With a Purpose is honoring our community's outstanding teens. Help us identify everyday youth (13-18) who are making a difference in our community or making positive choices in their lives. Help us show youth, whose good deeds too often go unnoticed, that we are proud of their actions and that Hampton Roads is a community that values and supports young people.
The top nominees and the overall winner will be honored at the annual TWP Gala in November 13 where they will receive an award and Letters of Commendation. The top winner will also receive the Adam Haylock Scholarship.
All nominees will receive a "Move Maker" button to wear at the Gala and also will receive a Letter of Commendation.
The deadline for submissions has been extended until October 13th at 5pm EST
Complete online here or Email nomination form & letter to:
twpgala@gmail.com For Questions Call: (757) 747- 2679