Minneapolis Climate Action Committee Interest
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Community Engagement Committee: Create a connected, collaborative community around events that inspire, educate, and call us to action. This includes navigating engagement efforts in-person and virtually to foster a community of advocacy and engagement between neighborhoods and city wide.
Neighborhood Green Teams - Minneapolis Climate Action coordinates the Minneapolis Neighborhood Green Teams, quarterly meetings for neighborhood associations and their sustainability/environment committees to come together to share strategies to improve our communities through innovative climate action.
Policy and Advocacy - Minneapolis Climate Action organizes advocacy campaigns for policy, projects and initiatives focused on our climate crisis, embedded in principles of environmental justice and raising all voices. Minneapolis can be a leader in bold climate solutions that bring together neighbors, families and policy makers. And you can make it happen.
Renewable Energy Committee - help guide policy and education on renewable energy, community solar, energy efficiency, and energy policy.
Zero Waste Committee - emphasize waste action, culture shift and policy advocacy at the individual, business and government level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
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