HORIZONS Audience Survey
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Why did you choose to attend this Performance? *
How did you hear about this Performance? *
What was your favorite moment or element of the performance? *
Were you happy with the venue and location of the performance? *
Very Dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
How satisfied were you with the variety of choreography presented? *
Very dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
How likely are you to attend a future performance? *
Extremely likely
Would you recommend Malashock Dance to a friend? *
Did you receive all of the necessary information ahead of time? *
Please rate each choreographic work: *
Disliked the work
Liked the work
Loved the work
THE RIDE (First piece by John Malashock)
KINDRES (Duet by Island Moving Co)
CONTROLLED CHAOS (By Tristian Griffin)
JUST A PHASE (Suite by John Malashock)
SWELLS (Group work by John Malashock)
How can we provide a better experience? *
Did you learn anything new about Malashock Dance? *
Were you aware of the Evolution Campaign and search for a new Artistic Director? *
Are you interested in seeing more of Tristian Griffin's work as a candidate for the position of Artistic Director? *
Why or why not? *
How else would you like to interact with our Evolution Candidates? *
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