Feedback Logifaces Workshop
This is a form aiming at collecting feedback from people attending the Logifaces workshop.

It will only take you a few minutes to answer.
You can also answer each question in any language you like - we will translate it.

We plan to use this feedback to improve our work and maybe for a publication for our research at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. It is anonymous so no personal data about you will ever be made public.

In case you would like to know more about the form or have any other questions please contact
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What did you expect before starting the workshop?
What did you think about games in lessons before the workshop? Did something change?
Did you know GeoGebra or was this tool new to you?
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Do you usually use technologies and/or games during your lessons? If no, what is the reason? If yes, how do you use them?
Did you like the structure of the exercises? Do you have anything in mind that could improve how they are structured?
Is there anything you were surprised about, that was unexpected during the workshop?
Did you participate in an exercise during the workshop? What did you experience and is there anything you learned?
Which benefits do you see in using games during school lessons?
How would you use Logifaces during your lesson?
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