Gradescope Faculty Feedback Fall 2023 Survey
If you have launched the Gradescope pilot in your Canvas course, we would appreciate your feedback even if you only just created a Gradescope course. Your feedback is the most critical part of this evaluation process!
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Which types of assignments did you create using Gradescope?
For paper-based assignments, how was student work submitted?
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Did you link your Gradescope assignments to Canvas assignments?
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How did you grade paper-based assignments prior to using Gradescope with Canvas integration?
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Did you use question analytics provided by Gradescope for your assignments?
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Faculty Use:  Gradescope assignments were easy to create, configure, link to Canvas, and grade.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Student Use: From my perspective, students submitted assignments and viewed feedback easily.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Grading:  I believe Gradescope helps me grade more quickly, consistently and fairly than other options.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Future Access: Assuming it is available, I plan to continue using Gradescope for future courses.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Would you be interested in attending training on Gradescope to successfully participate in the pilot?
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Please share any other feedback you would like to provide. For example: What do you like best about Gradescope? What challenges did you face with Gradescope?  What challenges did your students face with Gradescope? Why did you choose not to use Gradescope?

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