Yoga for Life.
A beginner level, curated Hatha Yoga practice for the whole family that includes:
  • Asanas with step by step guidance
  • Authentic Pranayama Techniques
  • Facilitate the flow of prana shakti leading to your experiencing dhyana
  • Overall Health and Wellness

Course features:
- Taught by experienced and certified Yoga experts
- Open for the whole family (ages 7 and up)
Guru Dakshina:
$25 per month/ per family 
(less than $6.25 per class for the whole family) OR
$270 per year (includes a 10% discount)

The course has limited seats. is a 501(3)(c) certified non-profit organization focused on educating children and adults throughout the world towards inspiring them to live a purposeful life.

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Class Time
Date: From Saturday, May 04, 2024 
Time: 8:00  - 9:00am EST 
Duration: Onging

Primary Registrant information
Enter the details of the primary registrant (participant). All communications will be sent to this person. The primary registrant should be an adult over 18 years.
Full Name of Primary Registrant (This should be an adult) *
Gmail Address (for class communication) *
Phone Number - WhatsApp Enabled (for class communication) *
Age *
Would you like to enroll another family member in the same household? *
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