Trans Defense Fund LA

Filling out this form does not guarantee a self-defense kitโ— We prioritize folks based on their demographics and our supply level which is influenced by the monetary donations we receive. If you do not receive a kit, we will keep you in mind for future kit distribution efforts.

๐Ÿ›‘ DO NOT fill this form out if you are cis. This resource is strictly for QTBIPOC (Queer and Trans Black, Indigenous, People of Color). Priority will be given to Black trans femmes, QTBIPOC sex workers and/or those who are disabled in LOS ANGELES. Priority will be given to those at the intersections of the above identities. Must be 18+ to apply. ๐Ÿ›‘ If you have already received a kit before, please allow others to have this opportunity. Please do not apply on behalf of someone else. If you have any questions, you can reach out to us personally.

When we are able to supply you a kit, you will receive either a text or email from us with the next steps on how to place an order for your kit. Please provide correct contact information. This process may take months as we are a very tiny team. We are not responsible for items after they are in your hands, and we are not responsible for sending out additional kits or items in the case they have been lost or discarded.

If you have any questions contact us at transdefensefundla@gmail.comย or

Self-defense kit items are intended for personal safety and should only be used in accordance with local laws. Before carrying or using any self-defense tools, please familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, as certain items may be subject to legal restrictions.ย By accepting this kit, you acknowledge that you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws regarding their use, possession, and transportation.ย 

While self-defense items like pepper spray and kubotans are legal in many areas, they may be subject to local restrictions or rules. Always check your local laws, especially when traveling or in public places, to avoid potential legal issues. Misuse of these tools can result in criminal charges.

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Email *
Full name or alias *
Phone number *
What is your race or ethnicity? *
Please select multiple if more than one of the following applies to you. Please note this mutual aid group is run by people of color and is a resource for people of color.
How do you identify? *
(i.e. Trans woman, Non-binary femme, Two-Spirit, etc.)
Are you a sex worker? *
Are you disabled? *
Address *
You must be a LOS ANGELES resident to be eligible to receive a package. Please include your full address, including unit number (if it applies), city, state, and zip code. This is to ensure you live in the LA area. Your home address will not be shared with anybody else outside of our team.
Are you able to pick up a self-defense kit in the Northeast LA area? *
Will you need a volunteer to drop off a kit for you?ย  *
Instagram handle or other social profile *
How did you hear about us?
Self-defense kit items are intended for personal safety and should only be used in accordance with local laws. Before carrying or using any self-defense tools, please familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, as certain items may be subject to legal restrictions. By accepting this kit, you acknowledge that you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws regarding their use, possession, and transportation.ย 

While self-defense items like pepper spray and kubotans are legal in many areas, they may be subject to local restrictions or rules. Always check your local laws, especially when traveling or in public places, to avoid potential legal issues. Misuse of these tools can result in criminal charges.
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