Data 8 Summer 2017 Final Online Survey
Please complete this survey by 6pm on Thursday, 8/10.  Your feedback will help improve future offerings of Data 8.

This survey is not anonymous; you are asked to enter your email address.  Additional personal information is optional.  Aside from your "last remark,"  responses to this survey will not affect your grade in the course or future recommendations in any way.  

Access to your responses will be tightly controlled. Only I, Sam Lau, will have direct access. I will not look at any individual responses until final grades are submitted.  I will only use your ID in order to measure broad statistical relationships between student scores and survey responses, so that I can better understand the effectiveness of assignments and course topics.

You will recover 1 lost point on the final exam by completing the survey.  If at least 85% of students complete this survey & the College of Engineering online course evaluation, then everyone who completes this survey will recover an additional lost point on the final exam. If a question is optional (not marked with a *), then you don't have to answer it to receive these points.

If you feel that this survey imposes upon your privacy, you may choose to skip it and still receive the extra credit point by emailing your last remark directly to Sam Lau ( Please include your email address in your email.

Thanks for a great semester!
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Personal Information
Last Remark: In 140 characters, is there anything the instructor needs to know to assign your final grade fairly?
If you feel you were scored unfairly at any point or should be graded in an unconventional way, please say so here. The instructor will read your response just before assigning your final grade. If we discussed any special arrangement, please remind me. Only I, Sam Lau, will ever read this remark.
What is your email address? *
What is your gender?
If this imperfect categorization does not apply to you, please feel free not to answer.
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Do you consider yourself to be a member of an underrepresented ethnic or racial minority within data science?
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Are you a UC Berkeley student? *
Are you registered for the upcoming fall semester?
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