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Class of 2021 Graduation Family Feedback
186 responses
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What is the full name of your graduate(s)?
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Please select the small learning community to which your student currently belongs.
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Add in the small learning community of your second, third, etc... graduate if this applies.
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Graduation Items
Has your student purchased or already in possession of a cap, gown and tassel?
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If you answered "No" to the above question, please select a reason why.
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OPTIONAL: Baby Pics! Families please upload a baby/toddler pic of your graduate if you would like it to appear in a video to be displayed during the virtual ceremony or near the end of the school year. (File size must be less than 10 MB)
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Graduation & Ceremony
We are exploring different days of the week for hosting a graduation event. We are committed to hosting graduation that maximizes family participation and is respectful of the beliefs and traditions of all our families. Which day(s) would be your preference? Please check all that apply.
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Walking across the stage is the moment when your student gets to collect your diploma cover and bask in the glory of your educational journey as your name is read aloud. How important is it to you to witness the "WALK THE STAGE" moment in person?
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One idea being discussed is to host a drive-through graduation where a vehicle carrying a graduate and family members drives up to the stage.  Would your family have access to a vehicle to use for this format of graduation?
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Guest Speakers? If you have any connections to amazing and inspiring guest speakers that may be willing to create a short video message of appreciation for the Class of 2021, then please list their name here and describe your connection. In a winter survey, seniors have expressed interest in speakers such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as well as notable alumni like Andy Samberg. In 2020, we had messages from Senator Kamala Harris, Mayor Jesse Arreguin, Piper, Daveed Diggs, and School Board Member Beatriz Levya-Cutler.
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Grad Support? If you have decorations or access to other relevant resources that could be used for an in-person graduation event, please describe them here OR indicate that you would be interested in supporting this effort in some way. Thanks for considering!
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Leave any other feedback about graduation related events or graduation. Please provide constructive suggestions, questions, ideas, etc...Thank you!
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