Making Sense Masterclasses - Join our Crew.
"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn." — Peter Drucker

A true testament of experience and contribution is shaping and expanding the minds of others.  We're looking.for a passionate core of people to help us produce the magic and wonder of the Guild. Our vision is to offer 50+ courses that help our members and non-members cope and make better sense of the world. Will you become an instrumental part of our Guild by creating new-to-the-world, courses and masterclasses?

Please fill out the member profile information below and we'll connect with you shortly.

Thanks in advance,,  Grey Swan Guild
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First Name:
Last Name:
Email (to connect with you):
Interest in the following Guild Masterclasses (choose all that apply):
Three relevant masterclass, project management, teaching and learning skills or talents (3 short answers separated by commas)
Given the right setup, the "Commitment level" you could give to Guild Masterclasses:
In the hopes of providing a wide breadth of courses, we may be able to draw on your deep expertise in (choose all that apply):
Other thoughts on Masterclass topics not mentioned above:
Anything else we should know/reason why you might be interested:
The Grey Swan Guild Makes Sense of the World's Biggest Challenges and Next Grey Swans - we do it through events, content, ventures, learning, networking and intelligence.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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