Patriot Exchange Listing Request Form
Please fill this form to apply for a Coin/Token listing on  The information you provide may be made public later.
**Filling in this application form does not guarantee that a Coin/Token will be listed on our exchange.
**Patriot Exchange team will review this form within a week of submission.
**You will receive an email from the with more details.
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Email *
Contact Info? (Please provide your Name, Email, Nickname) *
Are you a part of the team of this Coin/Token that you are wanting to get listed? *
Project Coin/Token Name and Ticker? *
Project Coin/Token website url? (We will not list any coins that do not have SSL cert url. ex=http:// your site has to have https://) *
Which code base did your coin get forked from? Please list the coin name and version.
Is your project a token? *
If you said yes to the question above, please list the chain that the token is currently running on. At this time we only list tokens on the following netowrks. (Ethereum, Binance, Tron) However, we will keep this in our records so that we can email you when other tokens can be added.
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Is this project open source? *
What type of coin is your project? (For erc20 tokens please check token)
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Link to github/gitlab/bitbucket? Note: If it's a token, please list the Smart-contract address / Asset ID. *
Coin/Token block explorer? (It is good to have more then 1 explorer in case 1 goes down)
Link(s) to coinmarketcap/coingecko/delta/other? *
Community links? (Discord,Telegram etc.)
Total Supply / Current supply? *
What percentage does the project team own of the current supply? *
Do you want be a Patriot Exchange partner? If YES then you will be added on our home page in our partner section and we will do lite promoting via social media platforms and make you a page & group on WehubSpace if you do not have one.
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Do you want to add liquidity?
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Which exchange(s) are you currently listed on? *
If your project is listed on any exchanges, please list your avg 24hr trade volume on each exchange or the top 3.
Is your project an ICO/IEO?
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Any other information that you would like to provide us?
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