HBUMC Kitchen Reservation Form
Thank you for your interest in using Hayes Barton United Methodist Church's kitchen for your ministry group! Please fill out this form entirely to submit your reservation request. If you have any questions about this form, please contact Lindsey Nugent, Director of Outreach and Fellowship, at lnugent@hbumc.org. 
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First & Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Reason for Use
Please provide a brief overview of what the kitchen will be used for, including any relevant group affiliations and events.  Please note that only ONE member of your group needs to fill out this kitchen reservation form. 

Examples:  "Being Boaz - Oak City Cares Breakfast Prep," "UMW Circle 1 Bazaar Baking," and "Seeker Sunday School class fundraiser."  
Length of Kitchen Reservation
Are you requesting to use the kitchen for a single day, or for multiple days?
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