Offer to be a YLAL Mentor
This form is NOT for requesting a mentor.

This form enables you to offer to mentor the next generation of legal aid lawyers.
Thank you - from YLAL, and from your prospective mentees!

As a YLAL mentor, we would expect you to specialise in areas of law currently or traditionally funded by legal aid. However, there isn't a particular level of qualification you should be. People with paralegal experience have a lot to give to members who are looking for experience; the same applies if you've just managed to get a training contract or pupillage. So please don't feel like you have to be very qualified to be able to help others.

Please note that we will not automatically match you with a mentee. Our mentoring scheme works so that you choose the mentees you think you can best help; we will simply email a list of them to you, and you can then offer to help individuals.

If you have any questions, please contact
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Email *
Name *
Location *
Place of work *
Job title *
In which areas of law do you work or do you have experience? *
Almost there...
Please click submit below to complete your application.

Once you have signed up we will email you over a guidance document on how the scheme works and tips on how to be a mentor. We will then also send you emails giving you information about potential mentees. If you feel able to assist any of them, you can email us to tell us.

We will store the information you provide to us including your name, job title, place of work and location. If you have any queries about how we process your data, please contact us at

Only when you have contacted us to agree to mentor a certain mentee will we send your chosen mentee your name, job title, firm/chambers, areas of law and email address information.

If you have any questions about YLAL Mentoring, including this form, the process, or anything else, please email

Thank you for being part of this mentoring scheme - without people like you being involved, it wouldn't exist!
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