U.S. Embassy Reykjavik
Need assistance from the U.S. Embassy?  Our Navigator will guide you to information that you need, and help you ask us for assistance as well. 

Press "NEXT" to get started. Last updated October 18, 2023.
NO INFORMATION COLLECTED: Any answers you provide are anonymous. No personally identifiable information, including IP address, is collected from this application, and the U.S. Department of State has no way of connecting responses to any individual.

The Navigator is not an online application. Completing the navigator does not entitle you to a U.S. visa or any other immigration benefit.  The U.S. embassy or consulate may require you to provide additional information or supporting documents before acting on your request.

ACCESSIBILITYGoogle Forms has certain software limitations. We have provided alternatives throughout for the following issues that users will encounter:
  • Repeated page titles when using screen readers
  • Color contrast for buttons
  • Areas where screen readers announce additional blank spaces
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