Custom Overnight Inquiry Form
Book a private Bunking with the Butterflies overnight for your scout, school, community organization, or family group!

Custom overnights are available for families, school groups, and other groups of 50 or more people with a ratio of one adult to five children. Due to increased programming in the spring and summer, we are unable to book custom overnight experiences from May to August.

Please complete this form so that we can learn more about your group. Further questions? Email!
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Group Name *
Address *
Number of Youth *
Age Range *
Number of Adults/Chaperones  *
We require at least 1 adult for every 5 kids.
Select the month you'd like your overnight to be in. *
Please give your first choice date. *
Please give your second choice date. *
Please give your third choice date. *
Any additional scheduling considerations we should be aware of?
Can we pair you with another group? Please share your reasoning. *
To best meet the goals of your visit, tell us more about why you are interested in registering for a custom private overnight.
How did you hear about us?
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