Fall 2024 Lawrence & Eudora Riverbank Restoration Update RSVP
Join Friends of the KawNative Lands Restoration Collaborative, the Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department, and the Eudora Parks and Recreation Department on one of the dates below to learn and help us restore our native habitat. The project partners completed riverbank restoration work at both the Lawrence and Eudora sites in the past, and now it's time for an update. 

All volunteer workdays will involve the removal of invasive plant species, and possibly, the planting of new natives.  Wear clothes that can get dirty and bring work gloves, a trowel or shovel, and water to drink.

Email questions to Kim Bellemere, Friends of the Kaw Director of Programming and Outreach, at kim.bellemere@kansasriver.org.

Find the EUDORA location here - https://goo.gl/maps/8JuRPD9wYsd52Pfv8
Find the LAWRENCE location here - https://goo.gl/maps/NQL361ZtFtZALrV18

Learn more about other riverbank restoration opportunities at https://bit.ly/restorationactivities.  

Project funding provided by the Douglas County Natural and Cultural Heritage grant program.
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Which EUDORA workdays will you attend?
Which LAWRENCE workdays will you attend?
Approximate number attending each event. *
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