February Breakfast Meeting RSVP
Thursday, February 13, 2020


**** Cost: $25 Member/ $30 Public

Pay ahead of time: $22 members/ $27 public

Best Western Seacliff Inn

Marq Lipton, Vice-President of Marketing and Sales for the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk will be sharing some of the recent surprise discoveries from the Boardwalk’s archives and speaking about history of the celebrated seaside amusement park and the local family company that has operated the attraction for nearly 100 years.  
Marq Lipton is the Vice President of Marketing and Sales for the Santa Cruz Seaside Company, the company that owns and operates the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.  He has more than 40-years of experience in the hospitality and attractions industry.  An Aptos resident since 1981, he has been actively involved in the local community, serving as a volunteer, on boards and in leadership of many professional and community organizations.  Currently he serves on the Aptos Chamber Board of Directors and is a member of the Second Harvest Advisory Board.  He was honored as the Aptos Community Man of the year in 2009.  He and his wife, Elizabeth received the Aptos Chamber’s Community Enhancement Award for their graffiti removal efforts.

*SPECIAL CORONAVIRUS REPORT* from Kaiser Permanent Physician
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