Foreign Language Translations on DDB
Let us know your thoughts on how we plan to bring non-English translations of content to D&D Beyond.
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Which non-English language(s) would you want to access on DDB? *
Our Plan and Options
Wizards of the Coast has recently commissioned translations of Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition content. Bringing this to D&D Beyond carries more complexity than laying out and printing a hardcover book.

Our current plan would be to make each language translation separate, compendium-only content that can be accessed like any other "book" content on the site or in the mobile app. This content would be available in the new language for the compendium-only content bundle price of $19.99 per book. Additionally, we would allow each user to "trade" their compendium-only content portion of an overall book once for free. So, if you already bought the English version of the PHB, you could trade that out for the Spanish version of the compendium content at no additional charge. If you want BOTH English and Spanish compendium content, you would need to unlock the additional language for $19.99. Keep in mind these prices are set by WotC and we don't control them - no need to share feedback on pricing for this exercise.

The rest of the site tools (Race, Class, Feat, Magic Item, Spell, Monster Listings or the Character Builder/Sheet or Encounter Builder) would NOT have any languages outside of English, at least any time in the short term. The complexity of localization on that scale would take us a very long time to implement.

A good example of what this means:

If you bought the English PHB and then decided you also want to buy the Spanish compendium-only content of the PHB, while reading the Spanish version, all tooltips would show up in English since tooltips are tied to listings.

Putting all our cards on the table, we are torn over two major options:

1) Holding off on releasing anything with non-English translations until the time comes when we can have full (or more full) localization throughout the site and tools. This would mean no translations for a long time (hard to estimate, but more than a year, possibly years).

- or -

2) Release as described above without full localization throughout the site and tools, but providing the "book" content in non-English languages for reading in the compendium or mobile app reader. This means the first languages could become available much sooner (likely this year). We would then do what we could to further localize over time.

The major question is - as a foreign-language reader or player, would you find value in being able to read the book content in your language even if the additional tools on D&D Beyond are not translated?
With the full synopsis of the options above, which option do you believe is the best path? *
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