AnySolve Task Request
Tell us what task would be interesting to you and we will try to create it for you.
Email *
How may we address you? (Name / Alias)
What are you currently doing?
e.g. College Student, Manager, Software Developer, Marketing Lead, ...
Please describe your requested Task or Problem you would like us to solve
Please be very specific with your answer and tell us exactly what you need so that we can support you well. Please also consider that we don't know your project's background, so please make sure to give us an overview what the problem is about.
Do you have additional Information? Like Data Samples, Prompt Texts, Examplary Results, Further Information, Schemas
You can provide us samples so that we can understand your needs.
Optional Comment, Privacy/Business Context,..
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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