Helping Hands Sign-Up Sheet
This program helps shut-ins or other people needing assistance who are unable to drive or unable to do simple household chores for themselves.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Describe tasks you can provide.  Will to Drive* *
Driving may include taking someone to a doctors appointment, picking up medicine at a pharmacy. or picking up groceries. It does not include taking people to inpatient/outpatient surgeries.
If you are Driving someone as a result of this program, you must complete an application, show a valid drivers license and proof of insurance, Forms are available in the church office, If you have any questions contact Kelly at 810-629-7801/ or Nancy Berger at 810-701-6556/ 
Willing to Perform Simple Tasks *
Simple tasks may include changing a battery in a smoke detector, or some  tasks may require using a ladder.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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