Outreach Baptist Church: Outreach Kid's Bible Club Registration 2024-2025
We love AWANA and we know your child will also! 

AWANA is like Vacation Bible School every Wednesday night of the school year from 6:30-7:30!

AWANA classes are for 6th grade and under.

August 21st- AWANA Classes begin

AWANA will follow the Dekalb County School system schedule. 

If you have any questions please contact the church at (615)318-1069! 
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Child's Name *
Age *
Current Grade in school for 2024-2025
Medical Concerns *
Guardian's Name *
Guardian's Phone Number *
List anyone that has permission to pick up your child:  *
Will your child need transportation? If yes, then contact phone number and pick up/ drop of location.
May we use your child's picture? (Facebook, Instagram, church website, etc.) *
I  understand that Outreach Baptist Church or it's members are not responsible for any injuries. I also understand that if anything happens Outreach will seek immediate medial attention and then contact parents.  *
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