Field Day Permission Slip
Waiver, Release and Hold Harmless
We have some fun activities planned for field day.  Some of those activities include eating snow cones, cotton candy and playing on inflatable bounce house and/or slide.  Please indicate below what your child is allowed to participate in.
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Student's Name *
My Name: *
I would like to come help volunteer during field day. *
I am aware that field day activities are not affiliated with Quest Academy Charter School.   *
I give permission for my child to jump and play in the bounce house and/or slide. *
I give permission for my child to have cotton candy and snow cones while at field day.
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I understand that my child's participation in the activities is a privilege and not a right.  I fully realize the hazards of participation in activities of these types and voluntarily assume all of the risks associated with such participation.  My child has the ability to and agrees to follow all directions from the individuals assisting in field day. I assume any medical and emergency expenses in the event of an accident, illness or injury that results from participation in this activity.  I, waive, release and discharge Quest Academy Charter School/Sara Garrett/Dan Gardner, directors, employees, and any other personnel officially connected with all activities that myself or child may participate in from all claims of damages, demands, causes of action or suit, and liability of any nature, including claims of negligence, arising from or out of the aforementioned activities.   *
I am aware that my child might have an extreme amount of fun during field day!!   *
By electronically signing this form, I acknowledge that I have carefully read and reviewed this Waver, Release And Hold Harmless Agreement.                                                                                                   Parent Signature: *
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