SPOT Presentation Evaluation  
Once you have received a WV SPOT presentation, please answer the following questions with as much info as you can provide. Your feedback will help us improve our program, and don't forget to download our Hands-On activities to enhance your WV SPOT visit! Thanks so much!
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School/ Organization Name *
Is your school/ organization a title 1 organization? *
Title I is a federal education program that supports low income students throughout the nation. Funds are distributed to high poverty schools, as determined by the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Date *
Ambassador Name(s) *
Which presentation did we deliver? *
Which activity did we deliver? *
How many students did our Ambassador present to? *
Please break down by grade if applicable. (ex: 20 1st grade and 20 3rd grade)
How many teachers were present for the show/activity? *
If you participated in a virtual visit, please describe any issues. Include the platform used and provide any suggestions you may have for solving the problem(s) here.
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