PyLadies Chennai - Volunteering Form
Thank you for your interest in joining PyLadies Chennai.

PyLadies is an international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.

At PyLadies Chennai, we welcome people who have never programmed before, experienced programmers, and everyone in between.

PyLadies Chennai:

Do follow our social media handles:

Email *
Name *
Are you: *
Organization / College: *
LinkedIn/Twitter Handle *
Github Handle
Why do you want to join PyLadies Chennai? *
Which team would you be interested in join? *
Have you had any experience in any of the domains selected above? Please describe briefly. *
Have you attended any of PyLadies Chennai meetups or other women in tech meetups? What in your opinion could be done differently by the various groups working towards the same vision? *
Any other comments?
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